It's been a week since I picked up the save-the-dates from Hello!Lucky and guess what? We have FINALLY started to mail them! Yippy!
So why did it take so long to get the little buggers in the mail? Gee, I'm so glad you asked...
Let's rewind to the day I picked up the save-the-dates last week (yes, the day I ran around downtown SF like a maniac...) After staring at them all afternoon/evening I realized that I loved the design work but I felt like something was missing. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I felt like they were lacking a personal touch of some sort. Our wedding is going to be full of DIY details so I wanted our save-the-date to reflect that. After racking my brain trying to figure out exactly what I felt the save-the-dates needed I came up with an idea that I am head over heals in love with. All I will say is that it involves these...
...which I slaved over for quite a few hours (funny story...I wasn't keeping count as I was making them and ended up with 200 instead of 89. Ha.) I want there to still be some element of surprise when people receive the save-the-dates so I'm not going to give away any more details away about the new addition! I can, however, tell you all about the fiasco surrounding the DIY wrap-around address labels, which have officially become the bane of my existence.
Why do I have such hatred towards the wrap-around labels? Because these damn sticky pieces of paper (with the help of our printer) have caused zpao and I more frustration/anger than any paper product + printer duo ever should.
Let's start with the fact that the labels made me miss the end of the Giant's World Series winning game. Yeah, I MISSED IT! Why? Because Zpao and I had to go pick up the labels at the UPS store where they ended up after two failed delivery attempts (dear UPS man, way to suck at successfully delivering our package. When someone leaves you a phone number to call when you've arrived you should probably call it. Just saying...) Ok, so technically that was UPS's fault but still. I blame the labels.
Next, the labels and the printer teamed up to make our lives miserable. It went a little something like this:
1) labels jam printer, ink cartridge gets all crazy, adhesive label stuff gets stuck inside printer
2) zpao takes printer apart, removes stickiness, fixes ink cartridge (he's pretty awesome)
3) we successfully print one page of labels...kind of. they are slightly off center but we decide the slightly off part isn't such a huge deal since they are the labels for our parents, moh, and bm (they love us enough to not get mad over small label imperfections, right?)
4) we attach the labels to envelopes. it appears as though we are making progress.
5) we attempt to print a new page of labels with new names this time. printer jams.
6) after fixing the jam the printer decides to print the first batch of labels over again. PERFECTLY centered this time. awesome, except for the fact that I have already put the not so perfect labels on the envelopes...
7) minor meltdown ensues. after regaining composure/ pouring a glass of wine we carry on.
8) I look down at our ONLY spare save-the-date (turns out I underestimated the number we'd need...) to find ink smudges all over it. Thanks, evil label/printer duo. meltdown #2.
9) the following print attempts go like this: success. success. jam. success. success. jam. fabulous. it only jams every 3rd time. at least we know the pattern now?
10) right as we're ready to call it quits for the night and go to sleep we have an epiphany: removing the outer sticky part of the label paper avoids jams. too bad we didn't figure this out 2 hours and 6 pages of labels sooner...and it doesn't really explain why it only jams every 3rd time, but we're just going to go with it, ok?
Hopefully we'll have better luck tonight because we still have ~70 to go. And on a happy note, the finished product looks really great. We can't wait for you to see them!
...which I slaved over for quite a few hours (funny story...I wasn't keeping count as I was making them and ended up with 200 instead of 89. Ha.) I want there to still be some element of surprise when people receive the save-the-dates so I'm not going to give away any more details away about the new addition! I can, however, tell you all about the fiasco surrounding the DIY wrap-around address labels, which have officially become the bane of my existence.
Why do I have such hatred towards the wrap-around labels? Because these damn sticky pieces of paper (with the help of our printer) have caused zpao and I more frustration/anger than any paper product + printer duo ever should.
Let's start with the fact that the labels made me miss the end of the Giant's World Series winning game. Yeah, I MISSED IT! Why? Because Zpao and I had to go pick up the labels at the UPS store where they ended up after two failed delivery attempts (dear UPS man, way to suck at successfully delivering our package. When someone leaves you a phone number to call when you've arrived you should probably call it. Just saying...) Ok, so technically that was UPS's fault but still. I blame the labels.
Next, the labels and the printer teamed up to make our lives miserable. It went a little something like this:
1) labels jam printer, ink cartridge gets all crazy, adhesive label stuff gets stuck inside printer
2) zpao takes printer apart, removes stickiness, fixes ink cartridge (he's pretty awesome)
3) we successfully print one page of labels...kind of. they are slightly off center but we decide the slightly off part isn't such a huge deal since they are the labels for our parents, moh, and bm (they love us enough to not get mad over small label imperfections, right?)
4) we attach the labels to envelopes. it appears as though we are making progress.
5) we attempt to print a new page of labels with new names this time. printer jams.
6) after fixing the jam the printer decides to print the first batch of labels over again. PERFECTLY centered this time. awesome, except for the fact that I have already put the not so perfect labels on the envelopes...
7) minor meltdown ensues. after regaining composure/ pouring a glass of wine we carry on.
8) I look down at our ONLY spare save-the-date (turns out I underestimated the number we'd need...) to find ink smudges all over it. Thanks, evil label/printer duo. meltdown #2.
9) the following print attempts go like this: success. success. jam. success. success. jam. fabulous. it only jams every 3rd time. at least we know the pattern now?
10) right as we're ready to call it quits for the night and go to sleep we have an epiphany: removing the outer sticky part of the label paper avoids jams. too bad we didn't figure this out 2 hours and 6 pages of labels sooner...and it doesn't really explain why it only jams every 3rd time, but we're just going to go with it, ok?
Hopefully we'll have better luck tonight because we still have ~70 to go. And on a happy note, the finished product looks really great. We can't wait for you to see them!
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