January 14, 2011

fabulous floral friday

I know, I know. Its been a while since I've posted a fabulous floral friday (or anything for that matter). I have a good excuse for being a blogging slacker, I swear! In fact, I have two good excuses...
  1. Working/trying to get my company off the ground/contacting wedding vendors has been taking over my life. I eat, sleep, and dream work/wedding stuff. In fact, my life has become one big work/wedding continuum. There's the purely work side of my life, then my new company...which mixes work/weddings, and finally the wedding planning itself. I guess food and trashy reality T.V. have a place in there somewhere but for the most part it's work/weddings all. the. time.
  2. Because of all of the things listed in #1 my days (weeks even) have been blending together. Mid December - mid January is one big blur to me (wait, it's mid January?! Can someone please explain to me how it's MID-JANUARY?) Clearly I have a hard enough time figuring out what week it is let alone the day, hence me missing a Friday.  Or two. Or three.

I hope these to-die-for floral arrangements from the uber-talented ladies of Bash, Please will make up for my lack of recent floral posts! Did I mention these arrangements were to-die-for? And that flower box that says "enjoy"? Probably my favorite flower container ever. 

These arrangements have inspired me to add some drama to our centerpiece flowers. The current plan? Add a pop of dark red/purple (think berries/small grapes) to peach/light pink flowers. And guess what? Zpao loves the idea. Yay!

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